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IP Checkups: Patent Landscape Analysis, Monitoring Software, Search, & IP Strategy


Turn patent search into patent strategy

Your patent search is only as effective as what you do with the results. With our specialized PatentCAM™ software, today’s innovators can easily review the patent landscape, make better business decisions and create with confidence.

The Right Software

Our patent landscape software, PatentCAM™, a web-based, competitive monitoring tool, helps give you an edge over the competition.

  • Simple, easy-to-use interface
  • Sort and categorize technical information
  • One central repository
  • Time savings
  • Reduced costs

The Right Expertise

Our technical, business and legal experts specialize in IP strategy, prior art searching and analyzing patent landscapes.

  • Decades of experience
  • Pioneers in intellectual asset management
  • Multi-discipline analysts
  • Actionable reports

The Right Approach

Our proprietary process includes searching patents, scientific literature, and market information to deliver actionable conclusions.

  • An IP-centric approach
  • Mapping patents to products
  • Global understanding
  • Uncover new opportunities
  • Cross-department communications

Watch an Interview with Co-Founder Matthew Rappaport