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ABC - IP Checkups | Patent Categorization Software

Leverage the power of battery intelligence

Technological innovation in the advanced battery and capacitor markets happens quickly. Our database categorizes patents across diverse technology and market sectors, including busbars, sensors, electric vehicles, energy arbitrage, electrodes, electrolytes, cell geometries, sense leads and thermal regulation.

By consolidating patent information related to advanced battery technology and markets, practitioners can explore key players and technologies and identify areas of accelerated growth and/or white space for current and future innovation projects.

normalized sep tracking Advanced Battery-focused reports

The only patent management solution designed specifically for advanced battery and capacitor technologies. Subscribe

powerful analytics Powerful analytics and reporting

In depth analysis of battery related categories and sub-categories that support specific business goals. Subscribe

custom viewing Cost-effective databases

Compile search results into our pre-sorted categories unique to the Advanced Battery Capacitor technologies. For even more specific need. Contact us

Product Tour

Data Visualization


– Over 200,000 patents related to Advanced Battery & Capacitor market and technology sectors

– Track top battery technology companies

– See what’s trending in Advanced Batteries and Capacitors

– Advanced search on specific companies, regions, or technologies of interest.

– Access records offline with easy-to-export files

Our Partners

IP Checkups worked closely with NAATBatt and some of its member companies including technical experts from large automotive and battery manufacturers, and utility companies to establish the category hierarchy for the ABC PatentEdge.

By establishing strong partnerships with trailblazing organizations in the ABC market, IP Checkups furthers its own mission to accelerate innovation in the green technology space.

Subscription Plans

Self-hosting and Raw Data delivery options are available. Contact Us for more information.

Features ParentEdge logoFree ParentEdge logoPro ParentEdge logowith PatentCAM Unlocked
Search and filter 300,000 patent records related to Advanced Batteries features checkmark features checkmark features checkmark
Browse/visualize activity in Advanced Battery technology category hierarchy features checkmark features checkmark features checkmark
Track Advanced Battery patents by top battery players  features checkmark features checkmark features checkmark
Browse the Advanced Battery patent database in an intuitive hierarchical interface   features checkmark features checkmark
Full-text patent search - titles, abstracts, claims and full specification   features checkmark features checkmark
Query by patent assignees, inventors, classifications, and priority data    features checkmark features checkmark
Export filtered, normalized patent records   features checkmark features checkmark
Track Advanced Battery players and categories with PatentCAM’s active query system      features checkmark
Import and move patents, create new collections to customize the hierarchy     features checkmark
Highlight within patents and leave notes for colleagues     features checkmark
Collaborate by sharing collections and notes, requesting feedback and adding custom metadata     features checkmark
Setup alerts and recurring searches     features checkmark
Control access through advanced permission interface     features checkmark
Customize a database to meet your organization's unique requirements     features checkmark

Custom Landscapes

PatentCAM is a collaborative software for managing patent landscapes specific to your unique business goals. Our team of technical experts can pre-populate PatentCAM with information relevant to your technology or market areas of interest. And your team can create all new landscapes within the platform at any time. Add searches, import and annotate patents and share information critical to your innovation process in one central database.