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Industries - IP Checkups | Patent Categorization Software


Turnkey Your Patent Landscape

Every patent landscape we create is different. Different industries, different innovations, different goals. Yet, within each industry, there are typically many overlapping areas of interest.

Our Industry Landscapes categorize some of the most common areas of interest — technologies, markets, products, assignees (or patent owners), all using our online PatentCAM™ platform. Along with adding custom categories, users can review patents, organize data, highlight key text, and add comments to stay on top of new developments, share data and deliver actionable results.

Starting a new patent landscape is always the hardest part. PatentEdge already took care of that.

Untapped Data

Analyze market trends and competitive filings to find white space in the market, design around current inventions and reduce legal risk.

Latest Technology

Stay up-to-date about all the products being developed in your space as soon as new patents are filed.

Consolidated Information

One convenient source for all stakeholders to quickly identify which companies are working in particular market areas.

Affordable Solution

Immediate time and money savings with an efficient way to access, manage and monitor related patent information.

Simplified Process

These ready-built reports remove the challenge of developing landscapes from scratch and reduce duplicate research efforts.


You have questions. We have answers. Here are a few of the more common ones but if you’d still like to speak with someone about how PatentEdge can support your business goals, let’s chat.

What is PatentEdge™?

PatentEdge is a pre-built database of market-related patents, specific to a particular industry. The patents are pre-sorted into market and technology categories that you can add to or delete based on your business goals. The online database allows you to search, sort, and analyze this data. In addition, you can use the analytics portal to create custom charts of multiple patent variables, including, but not limited to, top assignees, inventors and publication date.

Which regions of the world do you cover?

PatentEdge contains patent publications from the US Patent Office, European Patent Office including Inpadoc family data from more than 90 countries, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (international PCT patent applications). If you are interested in patent data from other countries, please contact us for our custom services.

Do you provide information on patent applications and issued patents?

Generally, yes. PatentEdge houses both issued patents and patent publications from the US and Europe. We only provide titles and abstracts for Japanese patent applications and not Japanese issued patents (Japanese patents are machine-translated into English). Since the World Intellectual Property Organization is only a patent publication authority, and does not issue patents, all our PCT data comes from patent applications. Click here for more information about international patent applications.

How far back does your data go?

PatentEdge houses data from as early as the 1980s. Since patents generally last for 20 years, you can find inventions that are already off-patent for use in your business (or garage).

How often do you update your data?

PatentEdge updates monthly, providing the latest issued patents and published patent applications.

Why can’t I see data on patent applications filed yesterday?

Generally, national patent offices and the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) wait 18 months before disclosing patent applications to the public. Occasionally, inventors will request an expedited publication process. Issued patents are disclosed immediately. PatentEdge will generally have all data on patents issued within the last month, and patent applications filed at least 18 months ago.

How do you determine which patents go into which categories?

The software automatically runs searches each month on worldwide patent data to funnel patents into the different categories. The patent searches use keywords, IPC codes, assignee data, and Boolean operators to gather the most relevant data. For any given category, we might have up to twenty different patent searches running in tandem to retrieve results.

These patent searches were developed by subject matter and patent search experts. We continuously monitor the database and refine our results by eliminating extraneous patents.

What if there is a technology or market category that I think should be included in PatentEdge, but is not already there.

You can create new categories (and sub-categories) in PatentCAM based on your keywords of interest. All the analytic tools will automatically reconfigure to analyze that sub-set of patent data. You can also remove categories that are not relevant to your search.

Need a more specialized landscape? Contact us for a custom-built database project.

Public patent data is available online for free? Why should I pay for your database?

By the time you conduct 100s of hours searching convoluted online databases, refining results, exporting results, manipulating data into charts and sharing results with colleagues, your information will already be out of date and irrelevant.

We’ve tried free and paid patent databases in our own consulting practice and found the process so frustrating, we created PatentEdge to address deficiencies in the alternatives.

Not only does our software pre-sort valuable patent data through a streamlined interface, it features analytic tools, monthly updates and sharing capabilities across your organization.

How much does PatentEdge cost?

Visit our Get Started page to see our available plans and pricing.

Can I customize permissions and access for my group, enterprise or institution?

Yes. PatentEdge contains powerful administrative functions.

Our main permissions limit which collections each individual user or enterprise department can access and/or see.

Other features allow you to control individual user access to:

  • Move patents into other folders or trash
  • Create and rename custom folders and subfolders (collections) visible to individuals or the group
  • View the edit tree, where users see all the collections in which a single patent exists

I don’t have a credit card. Are there other accepted forms of payment?

Please contact us with your name and phone number. We will give you a call within 48 hours to set up an alternate payment arrangement.

I just signed up for a PatentEdge landscape. Now what?

Thanks for signing up! You should receive an email shortly with your online username, password, and link to PatentEdge.

How do I troubleshoot problems with PatentEdge?

Please contact us with the subject heading <PATENTEDGESUPPORT>. Please include your email, username, and browser details (IE, Chrome, Firefox etc.) in the body of the email.

We try our best to make sure the software runs as smoothly as possible, and will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.

Do you offer custom IP service and reports?

Yes. Please check out  https://www.ipcheckups.com/consulting/ for a more complete look at our custom service offerings.

What are your terms of use?

PatentEdge, and other subscription services provided by IP Checkups, are for your internal purposes only. You cannot redistribute, sell, or otherwise market the information contained in the PatentEdge landscape, or other subscription services provided by IP Checkups, in any form to any third party unless authorized by us in writing.

Any derivative works prepared by you for internal use which directly or indirectly utilizes information from a PatentEdge landscape shall prominently credit IPC as the source of such information and display the following statement “PatentEdge provided courtesy of IP Checkups, Inc.” For more information see: IP Checkups’ Terms of Use Agreement (“ToU”).