The Top Companies sample report was developed using data from the ABC PatentEdge database, which houses more than 200,000 worldwide battery-related patents. We have added more than 11,000 patents to the ABC PatentEdge, from worldwide patent authorities in 2014 alone. Our patent-centric solution is the only way to stay on top of new developments in the advanced battery industry. Order the Top Companies Report to stay current with the latest patent activity from top companies in your industry! Below is a list of the top 50 companies with the most patent activity in graphite anodes since 1981.
In addition to the top five companies shown in the Top Companies sample report, the companies below were among the top ten companies that filed patents between 1981-2014.
The following companies were the top ten companies that filed patents from 2005-2014.
Please note that this includes patent data from US, EU, and World Intellectual Property Organization patent offices, and does not reflect patenting in other countries/regions. Thousands of additional companies’ patent filing activity and complete patent information are available with a subscription to ABC PatentEdge.
Contact IP Checkups for more information on our custom services and battery technology patent solutions.