Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class '' not found in /home/irrcmvulp5mu/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324 July 2014 - IP Checkups | Patent Categorization Software
IP Checkups is proud to be working with both NAATBatt and CalCharge to accelerate the development and adoption of advanced energy storage technologies. IP Checkups developed the ABC PatentEdge™ with input from experienced battery technology experts,...
“New Entrants” are companies that have started filing patents related to graphite anode technology for the first time between July 2009 – June 2014. The New Entrants sample report was developed using data from the ABC PatentEdge database, which houses more than...
BERKELEY, CA (July 16, 2014) – We are excited to announce the launch of our Advanced Battery & Capacitor (ABC) PatentEdge Blog, a place where IP Checkups’ battery patent experts will post analyses on advanced battery companies, technologies and innovation trends. ...
On January 21, 2014, IP Checkups announced the latest addition to its suite of PatentEdge solutions, the Advanced Battery & Capacitor (ABC) PatentEdge™, which focuses specifically on the advanced battery and capacitor industries. The ABC PatentEdge is the...
The Top Companies sample report was developed using data from the ABC PatentEdge database, which houses more than 200,000 worldwide battery-related patents. We have added more than 11,000 patents to the ABC PatentEdge, from worldwide patent authorities in 2014 alone....