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Top New Entrants in Graphite Anodes: Sample Report

“New Entrants” are companies that have started filing patents related to graphite anode technology for the first time between July 2009 – June 2014. The New Entrants sample report was developed using data from the ABC PatentEdge database, which houses more than 200,000 worldwide battery-related patents. We have added more than 11,000 patents to the ABC PatentEdge, from worldwide patent authorities in 2014 alone. Our patent-centric solution is the only way to stay on top of new developments in the advanced battery industry.  Order your New Entrants report today and discover who else is developing innovative technology besides the big corporations.

Below is a list of the top new entities in batteries that filed patents in the last five years but were overall new to the space.  Additional patent information such as region and inventor are available with ABC PatentEdge subscriptions.

ABC Sample Report - New Entrants - Heat Map


Here is a brief list of recently published patents that published in graphite anodes by new entrants.  The cells highlighted in light blue represent companies that had their first graphite anodes patent publish in 2014.  

Additional patent data such as application numbers, filing dates, abstracts, regions, inventors, class codes, and current assignees are available and included as part of the ABC PatentEdge subscription.

ABC Sample Report - New Entrants - Detail 15 patents from new entrants in graphite anodes

Although this was the first time publishing patents in graphite anodes, some of the companies shown above have been actively innovating in other areas of battery technology.  Below are a few recent battery-related patents assigned to new entrants in graphite anodes.

ABC Sample Report - New Entrants - Detail 7 battery patents from new graphite anodes entrants

For complete access to all new entrants and innovators in batteries, subscribe to the ABC PatentEdge today.

Contact IP Checkups for more information on custom services and battery technology patent solutions.