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Toyota Offers Royalty Free Licenses To Its Hydrogen Fuel Cell Patents

Toyota announced it would offer royalty free licenses to its hydrogen fuel cell patents to companies manufacturing and selling fuel cell vehicles until 2020. By sharing its Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) patent portfolio, equivalent to 20 years of research and development, Toyota hopes to spur innovation and development of a hydrogen-based automobile economy.

IP Checkups notes that based on data from its analysis, over 31,000 worldwide* fuel cell technology patent documents published in the last five years. Read more about the story here.

Are you interested in accessing hydrogen fuel cell vehicle technology patents? Contact IP Checkups for more information. We’ll be glad to help you out.






*Worldwide = U.S. published applications, granted US patents, European (EP) published applications, European (EP) granted patents, World Intellectual Property Organization (WO) published applications